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liberalistkr 페이퍼
liberalistkr 페이퍼
We permeate into The Function of Reason
구매시 다운가능
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Prologue. Whitehead (1861-1947) is an English philosopher. Reason is an impulse toward empty concreteness. That impulse is not empty. It is a fundamental force that can give birth to something. This impulse of mind is appetition. It is an inherent agent of transcendental goals. Therefore, the empty concreteness is embodied as material enjoyment. Whitehead's reason cannot leave appetition. Jeon..
원 구매
Author ‘nomadsirius’ Introduction.
1. The business of philosophers? (1) The Original Text.
(2) The business of philosophers? What I have read is like this.
2. The pairs of concepts of the argument of reason. (1) The Original Text.
(2) The pairs of concepts of the argument of reason. What I have read is like this.
3. The fallacy of evolutionists. (1) The Original Text.
(2) The fallacy of evolutionists. What I have read is like this.
4. The survival of deficient organisms. (1) The Original Text.
(2) The survival of deficient organisms. What I have read is like this.
5. How to see different species of living things. (1) The Original Text.
(2) How to see different species of living things. What I have read is like this.
6. The limitation of evolution. (1) The Original Text.
(2) The limitation of evolution. What I have read is like this.
7. The upward trend of evolution. (1) The Original Text.
(2) The upward trend of evolution. What I have read is like this.
8. A growth of the converse relation. (1) The Original Text.
(2) A growth of the converse relation. What I have read is like this.
9. The survival of mankind. (1) The Original Text.
(2) The survival of mankind. What I have read is like this.
10. The primary function of reason. (1) The Original Text.
(2) The business of philosophers? What I have read is like this.
11. To discuss reason. (1) The Original Text.
(20) To discuss reason. What I have read is like this.
12. The reasoning method. (1) The Original Text.
(2) The reasoning method. What I have read is like this.
13. Plato's reason and Ulysses’ reason. (1) The Original Text.
(2) Plato's reason and Ulysses’ reason. What I have read is like this.
14. Physiologist's fault. (1) The Original Text.
(2) Physiologist's fault. What I have read is like this.
15. What the Reason of Plato and Ulysses pursues. (1) The Original Text.
(2) What the Reason of Plato and Ulysses pursues. What I have read is like this.
16. The bones of companions sown by Ulysses. (1) The Original Text.
(2) The bones of companions sown by Ulysses. What I have read is like this.
17. For these two propositions to be consistent. (1) The Original Text.
(2) For these two propositions to be consistent. What I have read is like this.
18. A baseless fiction. (1) The Original Text.
(2) A baseless fiction. What I have read is like this.
19. What the battleship Utah symbolizes. (1) The Original Text.
(2) What the battleship Utah symbolizes. What I have read is like this.
20. Ridiculous idea. (1) The Original Text.
(2) Ridiculous idea. What I have read is like this.
21. The way life evolves. (1) The Original Text.
(2) The way life evolves. What I have read is like this.
22. The dogma of physiology. (1) The Original Text.
(2) The dogma of physiology. What I have read is like this.
23. Why did the physiologist himself become an interesting subject for study? (1) The Original Text.
(2) Why did the physiologist himself become an interesting subject for study? What I have read is like this.
24. What Physiology and the Clergy Have in Common. (1) The Original Text.
(2) What Physiology and the Clergy Have in Common. What I have read is like this.
25. The dogmatic methodology. (1) The Original Text.
(2) The dogmatic methodology. What I have read is like this.
26. The role of methodology. (1) The Original Text.
(2) The role of methodology. What I have read is like this.
27. The last alternatives of methodology. (1) The Original Text.
(2) The last alternatives of methodology. What I have read is like this.
28. The last alternatives of appropriate methodology. (1) The Original Text.
(2) The last alternatives of appropriate methodology. What I have read is like this.
29. The last alternatives of inappropriate methodology. (1) The Original Text.
(2) The last alternatives of inappropriate methodology. What I have read is like this.
30. Three Ways to Get Stability. (1) The Original Text.
(2) Three Ways to Get Stability. What I have read is like this.
31. The flash. (1) The Original Text.
(2) The flash. What I have read is like this.
32. Transient becoming blind. (1) The Original Text.
(2) Transient becoming blind. What I have read is like this.
33. Fatigue accumulation and fatigue removal. (1) The Original Text.
(2) Fatigue accumulation and fatigue removal. What I have read is like this.
34. The Rhythm of life. (1) The Original Text.
(2) The Rhythm of life. What I have read is like this.
35. The lower level of primitive reason. (1) The Original Text.
(2) The lower level of primitive reason. What I have read is like this.
36. What fatigue means. (1) The Original Text.
(2) What fatigue means. What I have read is like this.
37. The physical cosmic subject. (1) The Original Text.
(2) The physical cosmic subject. What I have read is like this.
38. A general counter-agency in the universe. (1) The Original Text.
(2) A general counter-agency in the universe. What I have read is like this.
39. Final causation. (1) The Original Text.
(2) Final causation. What I have read is like this.
40. The pragmatic doctrine. (1) The Original Text.
(2) The pragmatic doctrine. What I have read is like this.
41. Generalization of dogmatic methodologies. (1) The Original Text.
(2) Generalization of dogmatic methodologies. What I have read is like this.
42. A satisfactory cosmology. (1) The Original Text.
(2) A satisfactory cosmology. What I have read is like this.
43. The deepest unsolved mystery. (1) The Original Text.
(2) The deepest unsolved mystery. What I have read is like this.
44. The fallacy of Bergson and Descartes. (1) The Original Text.
(2) The fallacy of Bergson and Descartes. What I have read is like this.
45. The organic doctrine. (1) The Original Text.
(2) 45. The organic doctrine. What I have read is like this.
46. The Platonic forms. (1) The Original Text.
(2) The Platonic forms. What I have read is like this.
47. The appetition of appetitions. (1) The Original Text.
(2) The appetition of appetitions. What I have read is like this.
48. Slavish conformity. (1) The Original Text.
(2) Slavish conformity. What I have read is like this.
49. The appearance of reason. (1) The Original Text.
(2) The appearance of reason. What I have read is like this.
50. The legend of Ulysses. (1) The Original Text.
(2) The legend of Ulysses. What I have read is like this.
51. Abstract theoretical reason. (1) The Original Text.
(2) Abstract theoretical reason. What I have read is like this.
52. Solomon’s dream. (1) The Original Text.
(2) Solomon’s dream. What I have read is like this.
53. The history of the practical Reason. (1) The Original Text.
(2) The history of the practical Reason. What I have read is like this.
54. The history of the speculative Reason. (1) The Original Text.
(2) The history of the speculative Reason. What I have read is like this.
55. The modern history of the human race. (1) The Original Text.
(2) The modern history of the human race. What I have read is like this.
56. The decline of modern music. (1) The Original Text.
(2) The decline of modern music. What I have read is like this.
57. Roman Empire Science and Technology. (1) The Original Text.
(2) Roman Empire Science and Technology. What I have read is like this.
58. What a clergyman and a scientist have in common. (1) The Original Text.
(2) What a clergyman and a scientist have in common. What I have read is like this.
59. Limitations of Scholastic Philosophy. (1) The Original Text.
(2) Limitations of Scholastic Philosophy. What I have read is like this.
60. What Scholastic Philosophy left behind. (1) The Original Text.
(2) What Scholastic Philosophy left behind. What I have read is like this.
61. The Secret Discovered by the Renaissance. (1) The Original Text.
(2) The Secret Discovered by the Renaissance. What I have read is like this.
62. Renaissance people. (1) The Original Text.
(2) Renaissance people. What I have read is like this.
63. The foundations of the modern sciences. (1) The Original Text.
(2) The foundations of the modern sciences. What I have read is like this.
64. The interplay between science and technical procedure. (1) The Original Text.
(2) The interplay between science and technical procedure. What I have read is like this.
65. The antagonism between science and metaphysics. (1) The Original Text.
(2) The antagonism between science and metaphysics. What I have read is like this.
66. Mathematics and theology. (1) The Original Text.
(2) Mathematics and theology. What I have read is like this.
67. The fallacy of Newton. (1) The Original Text.
(2) The fallacy of Newton. What I have read is like this.
68. Newton’s boast. (1) The Original Text.
(2) Newton’s boast. What I have read is like this.
69. The scope of application of Newtonian mechanics. (1) The Original Text.
(2) The scope of application of Newtonian mechanics. What I have read is like this.
70. Dogmatic science. (1) The Original Text.
(2) Dogmatic science. What I have read is like this.
71. The quest of science. (1) The Original Text.
(2) The quest of science. What I have read is like this.
72. A synchronic description of mere observations. (1) The Original Text.
(2) A synchronic description of mere observations. What I have read is like this.
73. Diachronic metaphysics. (1) The Original Text.
(2) Diachronic metaphysics. What I have read is like this.
74. The design of radio apparatus. (1) The Original Text.
(2) The design of radio apparatus. What I have read is like this.
75. Mathematical formula for radio. (1) The Original Text.
(2) Mathematical formula for radio. What I have read is like this.
76. A magical mathematical formula. (1) The Original Text.
(2) A magical mathematical formula. What I have read is like this.
77. Inductive generalizations. (1) The Original Text.
(2) Inductive generalizations. What I have read is like this.
78. Blind habits of scientific thought. (1) The Original Text.
(2) Blind habits of scientific thought. What I have read is like this.
79. The Critique of Pure Reason. (1) The Original Text.
(2) The Critique of Pure Reason. What I have read is like this.
80. The obscurantist attitude of science. (1) The Original Text.
(2) The obscurantist attitude of science. What I have read is like this.
81. Lights rising from the source of things. (1) The Original Text.
(2) Lights rising from the source of things. What I have read is like this.
82. The infinity of things. (1) The Original Text.
(2) The infinity of things. What I have read is like this.
83. The incredible secrets of theoretical reason. (1) The Original Text.
(2) The incredible secrets of theoretical reason. What I have read is like this.
84. Induction and deduction. (1) The Original Text.
(2) Induction and deduction. What I have read is like this.
85. The analysis of the proposition. (1) The Original Text.
(2) The analysis of the proposition. What I have read is like this.
86. A scheme of ideas. (1) The Original Text.
(2) A scheme of ideas. What I have read is like this.
87. Verification of a scientific scheme. (1) The Original Text.
(2) Verification of a scientific scheme. What I have read is like this.
88. Combining rational a priori and phenomenal experience. (1) The Original Text.
(2) Combining rational a priori and phenomenal experience. What I have read is like this.
89. The dream of Solomon. (1) The Original Text.
(2) The dream of Solomon. What I have read is like this.
90. The comparative stagnation of Asiatic civilization. (1) The Original Text.
(2) The comparative stagnation of Asiatic civilization. What I have read is like this.
91. Abstract morphology. (1) The Original Text.
(2) Abstract morphology. What I have read is like this.
92. Limitations of Political Economy. (1) The Original Text.
(2) Limitations of Political Economy. What I have read is like this.
93. Mathematical physics. (1) The Original Text.
(2) Mathematical physics. What I have read is like this.
94. The cosmological scheme. (1) The Original Text.
(2) The cosmological scheme. What I have read is like this.
95. Some evidence widespread in experience. (1) The Original Text.
(2) Some evidence widespread in experience. What I have read is like this.
96. The clarity and the vagueness. (1) The Original Text.
(2) The clarity and the vagueness. What I have read is like this.
97. The basis of all authority. (1) The Original Text.
(2) The basis of all authority. What I have read is like this.
98. The supreme authority. (1) The Original Text.
(2) The supreme authority. What I have read is like this.
99. Stopping the upward impulse. (1) The Original Text.
(2) Stopping the upward impulse. What I have read is like this.
100. The object of discipline. (1) The Original Text.
(2) The object of discipline. What I have read is like this.
101. The Greek way of thought. (1) The Original Text.
(2) The Greek way of thought. What I have read is like this.
102. The characteristics of Plato's and Aristotle's speculation. (1) The Original Text.
(2) The characteristics of Plato's and Aristotle's speculation. What I have read is like this.
103. How speculative Reason works. (1) The Original Text.
(2) How speculative Reason works. What I have read is like this.
104. The discordance over moral codes. (1) The Original Text.
(2) The discordance over moral codes. What I have read is like this.
105. The novel speculation. (1) The Original Text.
(2) The novel speculation. What I have read is like this.
106. Ideas of clarity and generality. (1) The Original Text.
(2) Ideas of clarity and generality. What I have read is like this.
107. The entity of cosmology. (1) The Original Text.
(2) The entity of cosmology. What I have read is like this.
108. In nature some tendency upwards. (1) The Original Text.
(2) In nature some tendency upwards. What I have read is like this.
109. Counter-tendency. (1) The Original Text.
(2) Counter-tendency. What I have read is like this.
Whitehead (1861-1947) is an English philosopher. Reason is an impulse toward empty concreteness. That impulse is not empty. It is a fundamental force that can give birth to something. This impulse of mind is appetition. It is an inherent agent of transcendental goals. Therefore, the empty concreteness is embodied as material enjoyment.
Whitehead's reason cannot leave appetition. Jeong Yi-cheon of the Northern Song Dynasty, who developed Neo-Confucianism, also believes that the main body cannot leave the phenomenon. Whitehead advocates Plato, saying that all of the Western philosophy is just a footnote to Plato's philosophy. However, he overcomes Plato by creating his own organic philosophy. Nietzsche, Marx, and Freud are also Übermensch against the Platonic system. Plato's original sin is his ideology that isolates humans into the world and alienates humans for 2000 years. Idea corresponds to all phenomena in a monolithic and organic manner. Whitehead is a Copernican Übermensch. The Function of Reason is a lecture at Princeton University in 1929. This book is an easy condensed form of a long and difficult text in a summary format.
Author ‘nomadsirius’ Introduction.
‘Sirius’ is the brightest star in the night sky. Its name is derived from the Greek word Seirios, meaning 'glowing' or 'scorching'. Imagining Sirius rising just before sunrise, I begin the classic ‘Nomad’ journey. To let the West know the essence of Oriental culture, I am planning to publish 333 e-books.
A series of 333 eBooks.
1. 화이트헤드의 언어로 세상을 성찰하다(In Korean, 2022).
2. 노자의 언어로 세상을 성찰하다(In Korean, 2022).
3. 칼 구스타프 융의 언어로 세상을 성찰하다(In Korean, 2022).
4. 장자의 언어로 세상을 성찰하다(In Korean, 2022).
5. We permeate into The Tao Te Ching(In English, 2022).
6. We permeate into Psychology of the Unconscious(In English, 2022).
7. We permeate into The Function of Reason(In English, 2022).
8. We permeate into The Zhuangzi(In English, 2022).
E-mail. liberalistkr@naver.com
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