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Toegye, Gyeomjae, Chusa

Prologue. Aesthetics is the emotional perception of beauty introduced by Baumgarten (1714-1762) in Germany during the mid-18th century. Aesthetics, with the goal of systematically interpreting aesthetic values, traces its philosophical origins back to ancient Greece. To understand the perception of beauty in both the East and the West, we investigate the philosophical foundations of aesthetic..

Aesthetics is the emotional perception of beauty introduced by Baumgarten (1714-1762) in Germany during the mid-18th century.
Aesthetics, with the goal of systematically interpreting aesthetic values, traces its philosophical origins back to ancient Greece.
To understand the perception of beauty in both the East and the West, we investigate the philosophical foundations of aesthetic judgment found in Greek aesthetics, Eastern Confucianism, Buddhism, Zen aesthetics, medieval aesthetics, Renaissance aesthetics, modern aesthetics, and contemporary aesthetics.

"Gödel, Escher, Bach (1979)" by American cognitive scientist Douglas Richard Hofstadter (1945- ) serves as the inspiration for the creation of "Toegye, Gyeomjae, Chusa (2023)."
Hofstadter investigates the neural mechanisms of cognition in the lives and works of Gödel, Escher, and Bach.
Austrian mathematician Kurt Gödel (1906-1978) poses profound philosophical inquiries about formal logic, mathematical logic, and the foundations of mathematical systems.
Dutch printmaker Moritz Escher (1898-1972) ventures beyond the boundaries of reality and imagination by blending mathematical principles and aesthetics within the realm of surrealism.
German composer Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) translates the counter-reformation and the upheaval that affected Northern Europe after the Thirty Years' War (1618-1648) into dynamic, unconventional, and sensuous Baroque auditory art.

"Toegye, Gyeomjae, Chusa (2023)" is an encounter of philosophy and aesthetics recorded from an artist's monograph perspective.
Toegye Yi Hwang (1501-1570), a Confucian scholar of the Joseon Dynasty, firmly establishes the dualism of principle and vital forces based on the theory of principle superiority, which dualizes li-ki into enduring li and ephemeral qi.
Gyeomjae Jeong Seon (1676-1759), a painter from the later period of the Joseon Dynasty, reinterprets the monism of principle and vital forces, viewing it as a single attribute or order of qi's action, and opens up a new horizon in the world of landscape painting.
Chusa Kim Jeong-hui (1786-1856), a scholar from the later period of the Joseon Dynasty, creates an ideal new calligraphy style based on his research in Qing Dynasty classical studies, which harmonizes the monism of principle and vital forces of Yulgok and the dualism of principle and vital forces of Toegye, free from the constraints of theoretical Confucianism.
Attempting individual reflections on the lives, scholarship, philosophy, and aesthetics of Toegye, Gyeomjae, and Chusa, it approaches the fusion of clarity and universality.
Establishing a cosmology based on the dualism of principle and vital Forces, I seek to find the essence of aesthetics in the movement of qi, which is the change in the universe.
Author 'NomadSirius' Introduction.

'Sirius' is the brightest star in the night sky. Its name is derived from the Greek word "Seirios," meaning 'glowing' or 'scorching.' Imagining Sirius rising just before sunrise, I embark on the classic and humanities-inspired 'Nomad' journey. With the aim of introducing the essence of Oriental culture to the West, I am planning to publish a series of 333 eBooks, an English Oriental Humanities Glossary, and an aesthetically pleasing English Fantasy novel.

A series of 333 eBooks.

1. 노자의 언어로 세상을 성찰하다(In Korean, 2022).
2. We permeate into The Tao Te Ching(In English, 2022).
3. 화이트헤드의 언어로 세상을 성찰하다(In Korean, 2022).
4. We permeate into The Function of Reason(In English, 2022).
5. 장자의 언어로 세상을 성찰하다(In Korean, 2022).
6. We permeate into The Zhuangzi(In English, 2022).
7. 칼 구스타프 융의 언어로 세상을 성찰하다(In Korean, 2022).
8. We permeate into Psychology of the Unconscious(In English, 2022).
9. 붓다의 언어로 세상을 성찰하다(In Korean, 2022).
10. We permeate into The Diamond Sutra(In English, 2022).
11. 니체의 언어로 세상을 성찰하다(In Korean, 2022).
12. We permeate into On The Genealogy of Morality(In Engish, 2022).
13. 예수의 언어로 세상을 성찰하다(In Korean, 2023).
14. We delve into Romans(In English, 2023).
15. 인문잡학으로 소통하다 1(In Korean, 2023).
16. East communicates with West 1(In English, 2023).
17. 화이트헤드의 언어로 세상을 성찰하다(In Korean, 2023 개정판).
18. We delve into The Function of Reason(In English, 2023 Revision).
19. 노자의 언어로 세상을 성찰하다(In Korean, 2023 개정판).
20. We delve into The Tao Te Ching(In English, 2023 Revision).
21. 칼 구스타프 융의 언어로 세상을 성찰하다.(In Korean, 2023 개정판).
22. We delve into Psychology of the Unconscious(In English, 2023 Revision).
23. 장자의 언어로 세상을 성찰하다(In Korean, 2023 개정판).
24. We delve into The Zhuangzi(In English, 2023 Revision).
25. 니체의 언어로 세상을 성찰하다(In Korean, 2023 개정판).
26. We delve into On The Genealogy of Morality(In English, 2023 Revision).
27. 붓다의 언어로 세상을 성찰하다(In Korean, 2023 개정판).
28. We delve into The Diamond Sutra(In English, 2023 Revision).
29. 퇴계退溪, 겸재謙齋, 추사秋史(In Korean, 2023).
30. Toegye, Gyeomjae, Chusa(In English, 2023).

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