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East communicates with West 1
Author ‘nomadsirius’ Introduction.
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liberalistkr 페이퍼
Author ‘nomadsirius’ Introduction.
1. The Mediator of Reconciliation. He is a traitor_The Godfather.
East communicates with West.
East and West can no longer be kept apart.
2. The main reasons for China's retreat during the Ming Dynasty _Zheng He's expeditions.
East communicates with West.
East and West can no longer be kept apart.
3. Someone will meet Chiucheonwang after ten thousand years.
East communicates with West.
East and West can no longer be kept apart.
4. Is God emptiness or nothingness?
East communicates with West.
East and West can no longer be kept apart.
5. Eastern Studies approach the creation of heaven and earth
East communicates with West.
East and West can no longer be kept apart.
6. The Truth of the Story of the Garden of Eden.
East communicates with West.
East and West can no longer be kept apart.
7. Maximus threatens the emperor's neck.
East communicates with West.
East and West can no longer be kept apart.
8. China's Empty Boast.
East communicates with West.
East and West can no longer be kept apart.
9. The one who serves cannot have two hearts_Kim Heum-dol's rebellion.
East communicates with West.
East and West can no longer be kept apart.
10. To remove Cain's mark.
East communicates with West.
East and West can no longer be kept apart.
11. Is Jesus a Jew or a Hebrew ?
East communicates with West.
East and West can no longer be kept apart.
12. What does it mean for a virgin to conceive?
East communicates with West.
East and West can no longer be kept apart.
13. Chopin becomes Bach, and Bach becomes Chopin.
East communicates with West.
East and West can no longer be kept apart.
14. Trying to be good, it's a loss.
East communicates with West.
East and West can no longer be kept apart.
15. The ideal of loyalty_Lee Sang-juk.
East communicates with West.
East and West can no longer be kept apart.
16. Gang Se-hwang put up a splendid façade.
East communicates with West.
East and West can no longer be kept apart.
17. The people must be comfortable for the country to be stable _the 100-year war over the Uniform Land Tax Law.
East communicates with West.
East and West can no longer be kept apart.
18. What is the meaning of a wife to Toegye Yi Hwang?
East communicates with West.
East and West can no longer be kept apart.
19. From now on, I will live with white clouds.
East communicates with West.
East and West can no longer be kept apart.
20. All aspects of human life.
East communicates with West.
East and West can no longer be kept apart.
21. Reincarnation.
East communicates with West.
East and West can no longer be kept apart.
22. In Oriental Studies, what is the meaning of 666 in the Book of Revelation?
East communicates with West.
East and West can no longer be kept apart.
23. Let's imagine the 144,000 in the Book of Revelation through Eastern studies.
East communicates with West.
East and West can no longer be kept apart.
24. Open the doors to understanding black holes and white holes.
East communicates with West.
East and West can no longer be kept apart.
25. The reason why Toegye wants to forget all worldly affairs.
East communicates with West.
East and West can no longer be kept apart.
26. A thousand years can be just like one day.
East communicates with West.
East and West can no longer be kept apart.